milk and honey? Why is that the name of my blog? How does it represent what I am trying to do in my life?
Milk and honey represent to me how I am to balance my life. Milk and cream are rich, life giving resources, to me, milk represents the needful things of life.. Honey is sweet and pure, and represents the spice and sweet things in live, "the shining moments of joy" we all strive for.
Most of life is filled with the milk. Milk is pretty great, we need it, and sometimes it is exactly what we want. But, there are other times we need a little something more. We need something sweet, something that makes us feel special. This is the honey of life. And for me, I like it when I can have a little of both in all I do.
So, in each day I try to balance the milk and the honey of life. In each quilt I balance the colors so there is a little bit of "honey" in each quilt to make it interesting and fun. I believe that in all we do we need to have a little bit of fun and a lot hard work.
The past few years, my whole focus has been on my family. You might be able to tell from my blogging. Well, I had my caboose, my last little one, and I knew I wanted to cherish each moment. For too long I tried to be it all, to do it all, and the last few years I have wanted to sit back and enjoy being a mother. Well, to be honest, I have worked hard to be a mother. It's work. Having teenagers and toddlers together is in one word, A CHALLENGE.
As my 4 year old starts wanting to have his own independence, I'm thinking I might be able to come back to this life again. To share the things I am doing, to share tutorials, to be back in the world. I hope to share some of my favorite recipes, my organizational tips, my quilty patterns, my rantings, and my fun.
I'm excited for you to join me.
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