Friday, April 29, 2011

13 years and counting....

Each year my hubby gets one of these "babies" as his anniversary gift.  A year in the life of the Bisel family.  I love it.  Each year, I get to look back at what has happened.  I see the happy, the sad, the exciting, the terrifying, the ordinary, and the extraordinary.

I am one lucky gal to have been so poor our first year.  If we hadn't been poor, I probably would have bought him something for our anniversary instead of starting this tradition.  

Tender Mercies.

I thought maybe someone else in the universe might like to do something like this for their own family.  So, here is the link to the anniversary template I used.  It is in photoshop, a .psd file.

Here's the steps to a successful collage. 
Size is 11x14

1. go through each month of pictures, and pick 2 pictures per month.  There are 22 slots, so you will have extras (and it is always good to have extras to choose from).

2.photoshop your images to make them look printer ready

3. crop the images into the size of the slot.  there are basic sizes here....2x3, 3x2, 2x2, 3x3, 4x3, etc..  the only crazy size is the one in the left corner 4x2...sorry.   
***As you crop, be aware of how the photo will be seen.  If it is in a frame, allow a little more room on the sides so faces won't be cut off. 

4.  place the photos below (in the layers palette) the anniversary template (this makes it so the black lines show).

5. I used gill sans light font to write a one word description of our pictures.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Each Life that Touches ours for Good....

Heavenly Father welcomed home brave little 

Adelaide Ann Otte
2/27/2011- 4/24/2011

Visiting her in the hospital on Friday brought so much joy.  I could tell she was a strong, brave, amazing soul.  Her parents are beyond amazing, through each trial they have been a source of strength and Christlike example.  I am continually amazed at Jessica (her mother) who is wise, calm, a momma bear, loving, selfless, and beautiful.  Her dedication to her sweet Addie fills my heart.  And Preston (her dad), full of optimistic hope, belief, and knowledge that Addie is happy and well in the arms of her Savior.  

I am ever grateful for the knowledge of the gospel.

Those of us who knew and loved her have hearts that ache, yet we know she is happy, at peace, and out of pain.   I am grateful for the tender mercies I have seen throughout Addies life. 

We love you Addie.

Here is a sweet video of her at the hospital getting her first bath.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Favorite Spring Treat

Have you notice the strawberries are out in force this time of year?  We sure have.  

As you can see, the strawberries don't last long at our house.  We have found the perfect snack, and I thought I would pass it along to you.

It's simple, the ingredients are:

Graham crackers
whipped cream
sliced strawberries

Simply slather the whipped cream onto the graham cracker, then layer on the sliced strawberries.  Your mouth will thank you, and your waist line won't mind too much.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Not Dead....yet

I got a little something in the mail that reminded me that I am a quilter.  A couple books from Martingale always brighten my day.    I have been fighting Bronchitis the last couple weeks, and it has seriously kicked my booty.    But, I am counting my blessings, it is not pneumonia, and I have a great man who takes good care of me.  I am blessed.

The Big Book of Patchwork: 50 Fabulous Quilts by Judy Hopkins (That Patchwork Place)During dinner last night, I started thumbing through the pages.  I have to say, I love that there are 50 quilts to choose from.  I also love that these are classics.  Clearly, my style is a little different from Judy Hopkins (I hope so, I am a different person after all), but I could see these patterns made with  my fabrics, my personality, my touch.  That is the mark of a great pattern, one that can fit spunky modernists, and beautiful classicists alike!  

Go check it out on amazon.

All-Time Favorite Scrap Quilts from That Patchwork Place

Do you have lots of little pieces to play with?  A bunch of left overs?  You need a reason to get quilting?  This book has the inspiration you are looking for.  The patterns offered are just what the quilting Dr. ordered.  You will love the complicated patterns requiring lots of little pieces, as well as some easier patterns to whip up in a weekend.  Want to see more, go check out the images on amazon.

Now that you know I am not dead, how are you all doing?  Is spring treating you well?  Is there something you wish you knew how to make?  How to use?  I'm here to serve!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fighting the Funk

Have you ever been in a funk?    Where you find yourself stuck, unable to move forward, unable to progress, unable to improve?

I have been fighting a creative funk for sometime now.  I have been dreaming, drawing, and drafting my ideas to make them a reality.  But something small is preventing me from making my dreams into a reality.

This is my something small.  He's adorable, snuggly, full of personality, and oh sooooo needy.

The other day I was working on a digital card for a friend, I spent 2 hours on and off of the computer trying to get it done.  Each time I sat down, he would run to me with his arms up, asking to be held.  Once I had him, he wanted to run the computer.  

It is just THAT time.  The time he needs me.  After having 3 older kiddos, I know how fleeting babyhood is, I am a little less likely to power through these moments.  I give in, I hug and love him, and put off until later the creative things I want to do, and I spend my time and love on him.

I am getting precious little accomplished. 
 I am okay with that. 
Honestly, I couldn't be happier.

However, I am happy my book is inspiring others to learn to quilt. Thanks to Denise, for letting me actually put a stitch or two in her quilt, it was nice to get my hands on some fabric for a change.