Wednesday, January 27, 2010


When do you receive inspiration?   Are you always at home, at your crafting table?  Do all your great ideas come to you when you call to them?  

Me either.

My inspiration comes all the time, and rarely when I am ready for it.  Sometimes I am driving around, and see architecture that inspires me.  Maybe, I am watching TV, and see a commercial that inspires a new color scheme.  I could be in church, and see how the light hits a piece of jewelry.  

That is why I carry this little book around with me. Whatever it is that inspires us, comes randomly and when we least expect it.  So, carry a paper and pen with you, and jot it down.  I can't say I really have this with me all the time, that's why I have numerous sheets of paper floating around with sketches on them.  Good luck keeping your ideas all together.

Be inspired!

1 comment:

  1. Interstingly enough, starting an inspiration journal is one of my goals for this year. So, the first week of January I went out and got a notebook just for jotting down inspirations. So far, it is blank...:)
